who formed a street gang for self-protection. Documentary that follows queer and transgender Black teenagers in Washington, D.C.Johnson, who was at the forefront of the Stonewall Riots. Activist Victoria Cruz explores the suspicious death of her friend Marsha P.“Pose” actresses MJ Rodriguez and Indya Moore star in this musical about a young boy struggling with gender identity who finds solace within a transgender group of friends.This film about a romance between two Kenyan women was shown at Cannes after being banned in Kenya.Here are a selection of films that put forward a different story of the queer experience: During this Black History month why not take some time to do the reciprocal learning needed to ensure we each have a better understanding of the other. The ability to share one’s own story and to have others observe and learn from these stories is central to how people learn about each other–our differences and our similarities but mostly our respective humanity. Digital platforms have now given audiences access to LGBTQ+ films that were once hard to find even more these platforms have allowed the diverse stories of a variety of voices to be seen by a wider audience.